Subject: Physical Education
Grade Level: Middle School
Sport: Field Hockey

Mini Lesson
This lesson has a required time of at least 40 minutes. I will start the class off by asking the children to tell me what they know about field hockey. I will then follow up with some questions of my own.

*Where was hockey originated from?
-Windsor, Nova Scotia
*What materials are required?
-A puck (for safety we will use a bean bag), hockey sticks, and two goals
*How is the game played?
-There are two teams that have a max of 20 players. There is one goalie for each team. Players have to use the hockey stick to hit the puck past the goalie into their opponent’s goal.

Now that the students have some background information on how hockey was originated and the rules of the game, I will now assign an activity. The activity is going to give them more knowledge of field hockey.

Lead Up Lesson

* Two Goals
* Energetic children
This is a great exercise for the children and it allows to them to understand the game. They are learning that the puck moves all over the field non-stop, and that it takes different maneuvers to score a goal with the puck. For example, when the “hockey sticks” are chasing the “pucks” the “hockey sticks” are being faked out by them, and not allowing them to catch them. The “hockey sticks” are learning that different moves have to be done in order to catch the “puck” in order to score a goal. These are the same techniques that re required in a real game of field hockey.

To help the children get a better understanding of the game field hockey, I will set up a game of what I call Hockey Tag.
*In this game I will pick two students to be a “hockey stick” and two large groups will be the “pucks.”
*I will call one group at a time the “pucks” (the large group of students) will have to run all over the field, just as a real puck would be moving all over the ice.
*The “hockey stick” who is the student has to tag as many “pucks” as possible within five minutes of play.
*As each student is getting tagged they have to go sit inside of the goal. The next group of “pucks” will do the same thing and the team with the most amounts of “pucks” in the goal wins the game of Hockey Tag.

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